Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nutrition and Exercise: Why both are Critical

A good nutrition is vital when exercising. When you exercise, your rate of metabolism speeds up, in turn, burning a lot of calories. Because of this, there is a decrease in your energy levels when exercising and must be fulfilled otherwise by a good nutrition.

Also, as you exercise, the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats increases. In order to build muscle, you must replace your lost carbohydrates and fats with amino acids, which are found in fruits and vegetables. When you exercise, these amino acids are ingested and go into effect.

Foods that contain high amounts of protein will also give your body much of the amino acids needed. B vitamins and chromium, vitamins C and E, and calcium and magnesium will also be needed aside from protein.

Along with getting all of these antioxidants and minerals to increase muscle growth, it is crucially important to drink more water than you normally do. When you work out, you breathe more, which increases your rate of respiration. That will increase your sweat output and can dehydrate you quickly and easily. Unless you want a heat stroke, drink plenty of water.

At the same time that all this is happening, almost all of your chemical reactions in your body are increasing. The heart muscles work extra hard as well. Vitamins B and C can help your heart work more efficiently and keep it healthy.

Once you have exercised or are going to exercise, you need to make sure your body has digested enough carbohydrates. These molecules are what give you the energy to work out in the first place. This is why many football players attend a “pasta night” the night before their big game. Pasta contains many carbohydrates and supplies them with energy that they need.

Muscles use the body’s bones as their foundation as well. So make sure you take in a lot of calcium from fresh fruits, fish, and milk.

Follow all these steps and you should be on the right path to building a healthier, stronger body!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

5 Steps to Creating a Fat Burn Diet

Diets that help burn fat are the rage these days. You will hear the fat burning foods, eat fat to burn fat, and a focus in the exercise while focusing on healthy eating for weight loss.

But what is the best way to create a fat burning diet? What foods should you eat and how you can avoid counting calories, going hungry or lose their energy in a diet like this?

Here are 5 easy steps to creating your most effective fat-burning diet:

1. Build your meals around protein. In general, the size of a fist will be about the right amount of protein for most people, but feel free to vary this based on your specific needs.

2. Eat vegetables every day. Eat a variety of vegetables, but try to include some type of vegetable at least once a day.

3. Use healthy fats. Be sure to consume olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, avocado. . . even in saturated fat are healthy. Keeping you full longer and ultimately help you become or stay thin. Just watch out for trans fats!

4. Eat often. Eating several times a day will allow your body never too hungry. This will help you avoid overeating at any one food.

5. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water also helps keep you from being too hungry. Many times, confuses thirst with hunger. 64 oz day is a pretty good amount, but this can vary depending on the amount of exercise you’re doing.

Follow these tips and you’re on your way to creating a fat-burning diet!

Monday, October 5, 2009

How Should You Set Your Exercise Goals?

Once you’ve purchased a digital pedometer, would probably have to start planning your exercise goals. However, before you begin, you should ask yourself what are your exercise goals?

If you exercise for good health? Increase your fitness level? Or to lose weight? Different objectives exercise allows you to set their goals differently. Here are some simple steps you can continue working toward its goal effectively.

Step 1: Find out your activity level Baseline.

Everybody has its own level of daily activity and health. Before setting up your exercise goal, you need to know what their current baseline for activity level. You should start using your pedometer as a “normal” day and find out what your current number of steps taken per day. This will be your baseline. On average, a person takes from 3000 to 4000 steps per day.

Step 2: Increase your daily goals modestly and Gradually.

The ideal target for the average person is 10,000 steps per day. 10,000 steps is roughly equivalent to walking about 5 miles away. However, it is recommended to set this as an initial target in a short term because you are not sure if your health and body condition is able to cope. Once you discover your baseline, your daily goal to increase modestly and gradually. For example, if the number of steps per day is 3,500, you may want to create a goal of 5000 after several weeks, still in 7500, then 10,000 and beyond.

Step 3: Use a pedometer to measure your Progress

Get help a pedometer to measure your progress. If you are a beginner to one, you should get one that suits you as one. If your goal is exercise to lose weight, use the calculator function of calories to keep track of calories consumed a day with your diet plan. Caution: Before starting any exercise program or increase their number of steps every day, make sure your health is able to handle it. Consult your doctor if necessary.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Strength Training Exercises – What you Need to Know

If you want to feel stronger, get more flexible, achieve a better balance and harmony of body, and only be able to perform physical activities much better than today, it’s time to get into strength training. training exercises of the active force the muscles to work more than they used to, in effect, is the way it makes you stronger.

There are three basic types of strength training exercises: abdominal body, upper and lower body exercises. Abdominal exercises to strengthen his center, which is supposed to give you optimal control over the rest of your body and keep his power under control. Exercises involving upper body back, torso and arms, while the legs, thighs and hips are developed by lower body exercises.

Almost all the exercises will be weightlifting, resistance will be his weight. That said, you must be aware of the risk factors involved when starting out in their program of strength training. For example, if you have an illness or problems with your heart, or even if there is any history of heart disease in your family, you must obtain permission from your doctor before starting a program of strength training involving weight lifting. If you suffer from obesity, chronic hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, always consult your physician.

You should also talk to your doctor about being ready for strength training when recovering from surgery, have not had any physical exercise before plans for the future of strength training, pregnant or had given birth less than three months. Obviously, after events like these, you probably want your body is much stronger, but jumping exercises strength training after a state of weakness that would do far more harm than good. In progress, but slowly.

It is important to have a program of strength training that involves most of the muscles in your body. Do not just focus on one part of your body e. g. if you want to get a good six pack. Do this and the rest of your body will suffer. A main program that you would start with the bench press, lateral pulls, press up, biceps curl and triceps pulldown for upper body, squats, leg extensions and bend your legs and abs to his midsection. You can add years later.

There are even combination exercise programs for people on the road. These exercises include squats with biceps curls, or overhead press, lunges with lateral raises, and so on. But these are for later, when you’ve already accomplished something of strength and experience in strength training.

His strength training exercise program should be very basic in time to start dating. Eight to twelve repetitions per muscle group is the recommended minimum to help you get the desired results. This recommendation comes from the American College of Sports Medicine. As you progress through the exercises, the amount of resistance applied to the exercises should be increased, but again, do not rush into it. The only way to go is up. You will be stronger before you know it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Rapid Weight Loss for Women – 5 Tips for a Sexy Body

Tired of that extra body fat that prevent him tight black dress to go out on the town? Is it time you lose a little weight to feel better about yourself? Rapid weight loss for women need not be much of a task as you might think. Although it would be nice if there was a miracle diet that could take at night and wake up in the morning, which weighs 10 pounds less and a tummy toner, however, is not available at this time. Therefore we have to take some steps to get our weight and look better.

Here are some tips to help you lose weight faster without costing you extra money from serious plans prepared meals and expensive equipment.

* Watch what you eat and how much he is eating. In many cases, we tend to eat comfort foods, simply because they are available. If this sounds like you, you should change your comfort food to something that has fewer calories and fat. Preferably a vegetable or fruit.

* Although exercise should take into account the increased frequency and intensity of your workout. If you find that often do not have the desire or motivation to exercise a bit more creative. There are several things you could do for exercise. Consider swimming laps, cycling, running and even power walking is great.

* Replace a lot of their drinks with tap water. Especially soft drinks and caffeine. Ideally, you should drink 10-12 8 oz glasses of water a day. The increased water will help your body rid itself of toxins, and kick your metabolism into overdrive.

* Motivation in the diet and exercise plan is vital to stick with it. This is also the hardest thing to do for most women. Try keeping a notepad with you. Every time you start to lose motivation to try to write a new reason why you want to lose weight and get fit. This should work on giving you the kick in the ass to get in full swing!

* In your book you write down what your ideal weight is. Be realistic, unrealistic goals will only make you lose your desire to work on losing weight. It is better for you to set a goal of weight loss between 2-4 pounds per week. Rapid weight loss for women can substantially increase efficiency if they adhere to the above steps. These steps will not cost any money and do not require a lot of his time. After all, what’s to lose weight faster?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Healthy and Natural Weight Loss

Physicians and dieticians will confirm that losing weight is not an easy process. If done well, in a healthy and sustainable, may require changes in eating habits, and most likely will not happen overnight.

As for gaining weight, which often manifests itself gradually, a healthy weight loss should happen equally slow. Strict diets are quick fixes and usually do not keep the weight off for long. These diets are good if you need to lose some kilos fast to enter a wedding dress, or a revealing beach outfit, but they are the favorite tactic of losing weight if you want to achieve a healthy lifestyle, sensible weight management .

A natural diet is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. This means that, by choosing proper nutrition and sensible food intake, which includes three main meals a day, small and two snacks in between. All experts agree that diet have only one or two large meals a day is healthy. Our body needs a constant flow of fuel and energy, like your car does, or your alarm clock. Confused? Image, the electricity goes out! Your alarm clock can still be run due to its backup battery, but over time that cell will be exhausted and the clock will stop working. Our bodies function more or less the same principle and once you go hungry, you can make your reservations. There is a big difference. If you get hungry too often, your body will begin to stock more reservations. In other words, they start hoarding extra fat for emergency situations, and in that case, you will begin to gain weight.

Control hunger while managing calories, it is of utmost importance. By taking advantage of a diet natural weight loss and eating 4 to 5 small meals a day, your body will burn many calories, your metabolism will run faster, your energy level will be, and you will not feel as if it is still on a diet.

Whatever the reason for your weight management program is successful weight loss and healthy weight management depend on the objectives and rational expectations. Set your goals with common sense and the chances that you will be able to meet those needs will increase dramatically. In fact, losing even five to ten percent of your current weight, if you are overweight, is the type of lens that they actually can help you improve your health considerably.

When you’re eating less calories than usual, it is vital to eat a good balance of nutrients. If not, you can get sick or in decline. Increase your vegetables, fruits, and whole grain consumption in a healthy weight loss. They will give you plenty of vitamins and minerals. Try eating your vegetables raw to get the full effect of the vitamins they contain. During cooking, carrots, green beans, broccoli and other vegetables of your choice will be the loss of nutritional value. Avoid frying foods, but use a steamer, or prepare the ingredients on a grill.

The most important natural product that you need for a program of natural weight loss is water. The water to flush toxins and improve muscle tone during exercise. As you can guess, physical activity and exercise should also be part of its program of natural weight loss. Finding a weight loss partner would be ideal. It could encourage and motivate others and exchange recipes. Many diet gurus, nutritionists, doctors and health experts have created such tasty dishes that never thinks about your old eating habits again.